I was a SPEAKER at the first ever Fundraising African Night and Dance for ‘FRIENDS OF DIABETES INTERNATIONAL’ to raise funds and awareness for this hugely worthy cause. What an incredible night meeting incredible African men and Women. I feel honoured to have been invited to be part of this and hope to do more…… I Thank Salome Hydes and Nim Conteh Turay and your wonderful team xxx
A special Thank You to Catherine Kay for my beautiful African outfit xxx
Friends of Diabetes International/ Friends of Diabetes Sierra Leone. (FoDI/FoDSL) These organizations had been raising diabetes awareness and promoting diabetes health for over 5 years. Teaching in schools, carrying out risk assessments, road shows and educating faith groups.
We have pleasure in inviting Deborah Jay Kelly as a special guest speaker and one of our Grand chief patrons to our first fund raising event; on Saturday 1stof July 2017 at Bells Garden Community Centre, 19 Buller Close, Peckham SE15 6UJ. Time 4-11pm.
The topic of focus is Diabetes and Deborah will give a presentation focusing on Diabetes and Women. This will support the organisation’s campaign in education and raising awareness of Diabetes. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Announced the Theme for World Diabetes Day 2017 during the International Women’s Day on March 8 as “Women and Diabetes-Our right to a healthy future.
This event has been funded by members of the organisation, organisers and the CEO of FoDI/FoDSL Mrs Salome Hydes. There will be other contributors and supporters to this event, and however, these are through non-financial commitments.
Tickets for this event are sold at £30 and patrons by donation.
Come and support a worthy cause, proceeds will go towards diabetes education for the general public and free diabetes testing for pregnant women who will be at risk of Gestational diabetes & also putting their babies at risk of developing Insulin Dependent (Type 1) Diabetes, making an impact on Maternal Health globally.
Contact telephone numbers can be found on the Flyer above
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